Envisioning & Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future

Addressing climate change throughout our entire society will be the defining task of our generation. Climate change is impacting our community now, as seen by this summer’s record-breaking heatwave, intense wildfires and smoke in town and extreme glacial recession.. It is important now more than ever that Bow Valley communities prioritize actions to mitigate climate change. 

For this reason, the Bow Valley Climate Action Society (BVCA) will be running a series of events in 2022 to support Bow Valley businesses, residents, and institutions to more clearly envision and prepare for a fast-approaching low-carbon future.

In 2021, thanks to funding from the Banff Canmore Community Foundation, the Town of Banff, and the Town of Canmore, BVCA was able to run a climate action communication training. In 2022, our Low-Carbon event series will continue to spark dialogues and foster learning  around zero-emission vehicles, reducing building emissions and low-carbon food choices. These events will take place between January & May, 2022.

The first of these events is webinar taking place on Saturday January 22nd from 12:00pm to 1:00pm: “What’s it like to own a zero-emission vehicle?” happening virtually over Zoom. If you have ever wondered how much an electric vehicle (EV) costs, how far can it drive, or what charging infrastructure you may need, the presentation and Q&A session  by William York of the Electric Vehicle Association of Alberta will help you to answer your questions and demonstrate how realistic an EV purchase could be for you. Whether you are an EV expert or curious about EVs and interested in learning more, we invite you to join this free event. Please register in advance here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UmxatGfNROK4rqoJJ05-4Q

If you are unable to attend any in-person events, all of our events are being recorded and will be uploaded to our Youtube and Facebook, for viewing after the event.

To find out more about other upcoming events, visit https://bowvalleyclimateaction.org/events/ 

Be the first to know about the other events, programs, and initiatives of the Envisioning & Preparing for Our Low-Carbon Future Project by subscribing to BVCA’s newsletter for up to date information as new events get announced, or by visiting https://bowvalleyclimateaction.org/events/


Upcoming Panel Webinars: Electric Vehicles & Low-Emission Buildings


What’s it like to own a zero-emission vehicle?