Upcoming Panel Webinars: Electric Vehicles & Low-Emission Buildings

As part of Bow Valley Climate Action Society’s Envisioning & Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future Project, we are excited to announce ✨two upcoming events✨ to hear from experts about how our communities can prepare for electric vehicle adoption and work towards lowering building emissions.

On Wednesday March 9th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm, we will be hosting the panel: “How Can We Prepare our Communities & Businesses for a Zero-Emission Vehicle Future? to explore opportunities for the business and municipal leaders to prepare the Bow Valley for the transition to zero emissions vehicles. The expert panel will cover topics such as grid-readiness, opportunities for business owners and developers to be EV ready, challenges and solutions associated with installing EV charging infrastructure in residential and commercial developments, and policy options for community EV charging.

➡️Register for the EV Panel webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lpu7zgcJRtOO7UrAXs_qkw

The following Wednesday March 16th from 7:30pm – 9:00pm, we will be hosting the community innovation panel: “How Can We Reduce Building Emissions Together? to hear about opportunities for builders and developers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, how policies can guide low-emissions building, funding opportunities for building emissions reductions, and how collaborative action can help us achieve our community climate action goals.

➡️Register for the Buildings Panel webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6VX9gM3eSF6PUKRwqEcykQ


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Envisioning & Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future