BVCA submits comments on the Palliser Trail Area Structure Plan to the Town of Canmore
The Palliser Trail Area Structure Plan Update presents a unique opportunity for the Town of Canmore to demonstrate real, effective leadership consistent with its Climate Action Plan and its declaration of a climate emergency.
#FoodForClimate Social Media Challenge Recap
Below is a look back on the April 17th-30th #FoodForClimate social media challenge that we ran in collaboration with the Bow Valley Food Alliance.
#FoodForClimate Social Media Challenge
Have you ever wondered how you can combat climate change through the food you eat? Starting Earth Week, 2022, the Bow Valley Climate Action Society (BVCA) and the Bow Valley Food Alliance (BVFA) have teamed up to bring you a digital Facebook challenge that will help you understand the climate impacts of our food while being entered to win local food prizes!
Upcoming Panel Webinars: Electric Vehicles & Low-Emission Buildings
As part of Bow Valley Climate Action Society’s Envisioning & Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future Project, we are excited to announce two upcoming events to hear from experts about how our communities can prepare for electric vehicle adoption…
Envisioning & Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future
Addressing climate change throughout our entire society will be the defining task of our generation. Climate change is impacting our community now, as seen by this summer’s record-breaking heatwave, intense…
What’s it like to own a zero-emission vehicle?
Join us virtually on Saturday January 22nd from 12:00pm to 1:00pm for the “What’s it like to own a zero-emission vehicle?” event, happening over Zoom.
Call out for Volunteers!
In 2022, BVCA will be running events as part of our Envisioning and Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future Project, and we could use your help. Please email bowvalleyclimateaction@gmail.com if you are interested in any of the volunteer roles above, and we can chat about what would be a good fit for you!
2021 Municipal Election
On October 18th, voters in the Bow Valley have the opportunity to elect new municipal governments. Since decisions made on the municipal level have far reaching consequences on local climate action, volunteers used the last couple months to create a list of priorities and engage with candidates…
Job opportunity as Project Coordinator with BVCA!
We’re happy to post our first part-time contract position for a Project Coordinator to help us deliver our “Envisioning and Preparing for our Low-Carbon Future” program.
BVCA Submissions for the Proposed TSMV ASPs
The Area Structure Plans (ASP) proposed by Three Sisters Mountain Village (TSMV) will have a significant impact on the ability of the Town of Canmore, to meet the goals in the Climate Action Plan approved in 2018…
Video recording of webinar Economic Stimulus and Climate Action in the Bow Valley
On June 24th, Bow Valley Climate Action (BVCA) hosted a webinar about how green stimulus funding could be used in the communities of the Bow Valley to reduce GHG emissions while supporting economic and social well-being…